Guys, grab your razors today as it’s Men’s Grooming Day!

For most men, grooming mostly involves having a shower, a quick shave and spraying on some aftershave. However, experts say this is inadequate.

male grooming

Times have also changed, and most men even spend more time in the bathroom than women as they want to keep up with their appearance.

Here are our tips on staying groomed and always looking fresh.

Use the right tools

Every man needs a good razor and not just any old razor, but one that is safe to use on your skin.

Facial hair needs to be tamed and maintained, so to keep the trim looking fresh, invest in a beard trimmer that will save you time and money from going to a barber.

For those who like to be clean shaven, having a shaving routine planned works as you look can look sharp throughout the day. After shaving, always make sure you wash your face with cold water to close pores, as it will help with any cuts you may have occurred.

Become a regular at your barbers

Don’t keep your hair overgrown and messy, make sure you go to the barbers at least every three to six weeks, to keep the style of your hair and your appearance looking smart.

Knowing which hair products work for you is essential. If you’re clued up on what each product does for your hair, you’ll know what works on your hair. Thick hair and messy styles can handle waxes and pomades. But if you have thinner hair, then lighter products and sprays will hold it together.

Find a signature scent

Finding the right scent for you can take some time, however you don’t want to be wearing a scent that is too overpowering as people will notice. You want a scent that compliments you and becomes a part of your presence.

Invest in good quality aftershaves you really like, rather than collecting 8-10 different bottles that don’t do anything for you.

Cleaning your skin

Lastly, keeping your skin clean is essential. Men’s skin tends to be oily and sweat-prone, hence regular cleansing is a must.

By Stephanie Silitonga & Amy Lehal

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